Services: Printing & Art Advisory

  • Print Services Print Services Print Services

    Print Services

    In addition to our own print publishing program, Process/Process provides a range of printing services for artists, publishers, and organizations. 


    We bring to client projects the same enthusiasm and perfectionism that we bring to our own in-house collaborations with artists. Our approach to printmaking is exploratory: how can our processes, materials, and techniques best serve your ideas? 


    Angee Lennard brings over fifteen years of experience printing for artists, galleries, designers, corporate clients, and major museums. With an inclination to push expectations of printmaking, Angee has worked with clients from around the world to produce traditional printed editions as well as animations, wearable garments, packaging, mixed media artworks, and site-specific installations. We can print on paper, fabric, wood, plastics, and a variety of other non-traditional materials. 


    At every step, we tailor our service to fully support the needs of each project. This can range from the efficient production of a run of posters to the artist and printer working in tandem from the conception to the delivery of a new edition. From time to time, we may co-publish a print or portfolio with an external partner. 


    Available processes:

    • Screenprinting

    • Letterpress

    • Risography

    • Relief

    • Intaglio

    • Letterpress

    • Bookbinding / Zines & Publications 


    Recent clients include Bert Green Fine Art, The Green Gallery, Carmen Neely, and Spectralina. 


  • Art Advisory Services
    Commission by Kate McQuillen, for 225 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, 2022.

    Art Advisory Services

    Process/Process offers a range of art consulting services not only in printmedia and works on paper, but across painting, sculpture, installation, and time-based art. This reflects both our commitment to print at the nexus of artistic practices across disciplines and our ongoing work with a broad range of artists working internationally. 

    Our services include: 

    • Site-specific art programs, projects, and commissions for lobbies, lounges, hospitality, and shared office environments 

    • Temporary exhibition programs

    • Acquisitions advisory for individual collectors

  • For more information about printing or art advisory services, please email us at